Hedge Cutting

Hedge cutting and pruning

Shrubs help create mass and structure within a garden or landscaped space, so it is important to keep them healthy and in good form with regular pruning. In turn this will help improve a plants shape and encourage the growth of flower and fruits.

Hedge cutting page - MDC Landscapes

As part of our pruning service we provide:

1. Young shrub pruning to establish shape and encourage vigorous growth.

2. Rejuvenating pruning works which involves the removal of dead or diseased wood or cut back to encourage new growth.

3. Coppicing which involves the cutting down to near ground level of a species of tree or shrub within a maintained cycle of time, maintaining the species at a juvenile stage ensuring it does not die of old age.

4. Topiary pruning which is the art of clipping shrubs to develop and maintain clearly defined shapes.

Hedge cutting:

As part of our hedge cutting service we provide, formal and informal cutting and trimming techniques to keep the hedge dense and compact, as well as both hedge topping and reductions.